AML & CFT Training

Empowering you with the skills to maintain your own compliance

We provide training to:

  • AML/CFT Compliance Officers
  • Frontline staff with AML/CFT responsibilities or exposure
  • Senior managers including boards/compliance sub-committees.

Robinson Legal only trains people in one business at a time. It's more effective, avoids confidentiality concerns, and promotes transparent, robust conversations about what needs fixing.

Training is tailored for each business and its trainees.

Common training areas include:

  • “AML101” General overview of a business’s specific obligations and risk factors
  • Focused in-depth assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing risks that might be facing a particular business (allowing the entity to write up its own Risk Assessment)
  • Customer due diligence (CDD), or specific aspects of CDD (see  sidepanel)
  • SAR reporting and how to identify suspicious activities and transactions
  • High Risk Countries & Sanctions
  • Staff vetting
  • Staff training
  • Record keeping
  • Ministerial and regulatory exemptions
  • Preparing for the Independent Audit
  • Annual Reviews/Audits
    We also do general trouble-shooting sessions.

Customer Due Diligence Training

Customer due diligence (CDD), or specific aspects of CDD like:

  • Enhanced CDD and verifying Source of Wealth and Source of Funds information effectively
  • Account/transaction monitoring and Ongoing CDD
  • The Amended Identity Verification Code of Practice & Explanatory Note
  • Electronic Identity Verification (EIV)

Tailored training best suited for your organisation

We help you understand what areas in your organisation are critical and that need you to take particular care over

Robinson Legal's team are litigation specialists who bring unparalleled AML/CFT experience to our clients. We have extensive prosecution and defence experience, and have advised government, corporate and individual clients on financial crime, AML/CFT, the full range of criminal cases and regulatory investigations and prosecutions.

Our Principal, Marty Robinson, co-wrote the legal text The AML/CFT Regime: A Practical Guide. Marty has spent two decades in financial crime and associated areas, including investigation and prosecution work at the UK Serious Fraud Office as an Investigative Lawyer and acting as Principal Solicitor at New Zealand’s Department of Internal Affairs, a Crown Prosecutor at the Crown Solicitor’s Office, and a criminal defence and civil litigation lawyer on his own account and with Robinson Legal.